The Orelx Experience
What should I expect?
When you reach out to Orelx there is absolutely no commitment. You'll be contacted by one of our coaches and ask some basic questions. We'll try and get a broad understanding about coaching services you may be looking for along with some basics on your business and operations. Don't worry, we never collect any detailed information in this phase. We never asked for details until after a services agreement is signed. Your information is safe with us. Once we have an idea about the scope of your needs your coach will provide you a services agreement. The services agreement(SA) contains the details of your purchased services along with the criteria for Orelx to deliver them. The agreement will also include pricing for the services and payment terms. For small projects often a single payment is all that is required. In the case of a long term SA often the payments can be broken down into monthly payments. Orelx commits to working with you to help ensure that no costs are unexpected.
Once the SA is signed and payment is completed, it's time to get to work! If your coaching will require extended research or data collection your coach will begin to work with you to collect the information needed. This is generally followed up by a virtual meeting in our workspace where the fine details can be discussed to get you and your coach on the same page. We'll talk about the contracted deliverables and set goals and waypoints to work towards. While working with your coach, if you ever decide you need to change the number or length of coaching sessions, your SA can be updated with very little hassle.
An Orelx coaching relationship can be as small or large as you need. You might need an outside set of eyes to validate the costs involved in opening a new location for your business or something smaller such as a having a confidential person to act as an non-invested set of ears to bounce ideas off while you deal with frustrating situations.
Throughout your long relationship with your coach, the SA can be adapted to fit your needs. Our goal is always to establish a valuable partnership and ride the waves of success with you!